Lecturing and Judging

I offer a photographic lecturing and judging service to clubs and societies.
My three photographic lectures that are currently available to clubs are: -

1. Introduction to Creative Photography.

2. Introduction to Infra-red photography.

3. Improve Your Picture Taking Skills - Exploring the non-technical side of photography

The first two lectures include audio visuals (digital images set to music). I am a member of IAC.

I also offer to judge DPI photographic competitions.

I charge PAGB rates to MCPF affiliated photographic clubs. Cost to other bodies is currently £30 plus 45p per mile travel expenses.

I am a co-founder and administrator of the Facebook Group - Infrared Mononochrome Photography https://www.facebook.com/groups/1616866518580537/requests/

Enquiries welcome - email me at tonywinfield14@hotmail.com or ring me on 01785 251311.